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Text 1
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pictur by pixabay/andibreit |
Tiger is one of the largest types of cats in the world. The
symbol of the tiger is widely used by many regions as a symbol of strength and
courage. At this time, there are only thousands of tigers left which population
is almost on the verge of extinction. This happens because of the large number
of poaching that causes the population of these animals to be increasingly low.
Tigers have stripes that is used to assist them in
camouflaging. The patches on the tiger's body help them to hide while hunting
for prey. Most of the tiger has orange fur with black stripes. But there are
also some tigers that have white fur with black stripes.
Generally, adult tigers have a length of 2 to 3 meters long
and weigh in the range of 50 to 300 kilo grams. The largest tiger species ever
found is a Siberian tiger with a length of 3.3 meters and a weight of 300
kilograms. On the other hand, Indonesia also has a tiger species that is listed
as the smallest tiger species. Tigers also have a tail that is quite long, the
average length of the tiger tail reaches 1/3 the overall body length.
Answer the following question based on text 1
1. What does the text tell us about?
a. It tells about tiger’s appearance
b. It tells about tiger’s habit
c. It tells about tiger’s life
2. What kind of symbol does tiger represent?
a. Strength and Anger
b. Strength and Courage
c. Anger and Courage
3. What does the first paragraph tell you about?
a. Tiger hunt
b. Tiger in wild life
c. Tiger symbol
4. “The largest
tiger species ever found is a Siberian tiger …”
The Bolded word
has similar meaning with …
a. Smallest
b. Highest
c. Biggest
5. Which of the following statements is true based on the text?
a. Small number of prey decrease tiger’s population
b. Tiger’s strips are used as camouflage
c. The largest tiger is found in Indonesia.
Text 2
Lions are one of big cat species that can be found in
the Africa continent. Lions are type of animal that have a strong physique.
These animals are equipped with strong teeth and jaws to pounce on their prey.
Adult male lions have manes, whereas female lions do not have manes. In
general, lion’s color is golden or brownish yellow.
Male lion has a body that is much bigger than a female lion.
Adult lions have an average weight of 100 to 200 kilograms. The body length is
about 1 to 1.5 meters. Even though the male lion has a bigger body, the female
lion usually hunts for the prey.
Answer the following question based on text 2
6. What does the text tell us about?
a. It tells about lion’s habit
b. It tells about lion’s population
c. It tells about lion’s appearance
7. Where can we find lion?
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. Africa
8. What does the second paragraph tell you about?
a. The difference between male and female lion.
b. The appearance of lion
c. The size of lion
9. “…, the female lion usually hunts for the prey.”
The Bolded word
has opposite meaning with …
a. Target
b. Predator
c. Bait
10. Which of the following statements is false based on the text?
a. Adult male lion has manes
b. Lion’s color is golden
c. Female lion is bigger than male lion
Terjemahan Text 1
Harimau adalah salah satu jenis kucing terbesar di dunia. Simbol
harimau banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang sebagai lambing kekuartan dan
keberanian. Pada zaman ini, hanya tersisa ribuan harimau yang populasinya sudah
hamper diambang kepunahan. Hal ini terjadi karena banyaknya perburuan liar yang
menyebabkan populasi hewan ini menjadi semakin sedikit.
Harimau mempunyai belang yang berfungsi untuk membantu
mereka dalam berkamuflasi. Belang yang ada pada tubuh harimau membantu mereka
untuk bersembunti saat berburu mangsa. Sebagian besar harimau berwarna oranye
dengan garis hitam. Tapi ada juga beberapa harimau yang memiliki bulu berwarna
putih dengan garis hitam (albino).
Umumnya, harimau dewasa memiliki panjang 2 hingga 3 meter
dan berat berkisar 50 sampai 300 kilo gram. Jenis harimau terbesar yang pernah
ditemukan adalah harimau Siberia dengan panjang 3.3 meter dan berat 300
kilogram. Disisi lain, indonesai juga mempunyai jenis harimau yang tercatat
sebagai jenis harimau yang paling kecil. Harimau juga mempunyai ekor yang cukup
panjang, rata-rata panjang ekor harimau mencapai 1/3 panjang tubuh secara
Terjemahan Text 2
Singa adalah salah satu spesies kucing besar yang biasanya
bisa kita temukan di dataran afrika. Singa merupakan hewan yang memiliki fisik
yang kuat. Hewan ini dibekali gigi dan rahang yang kuat untuk menerkam
mangsanya. Singa jantan dewasa memiliki surai, sedangkan singa betina tidak
memiliki surai. Pada umumnya, singa berwarna keemasan atau kuning kecoklatan.
Singa jantan memiliki tubuh yang jauh lebih besar dari pada
singa betina. Singa dewasa memiliki berat rata rata 100 hingga 200 kilogram.
Panjang tubuhnya sekitar 1 hingga 1.5 meter. Meskipun singa jantan memiliki
tubuh yang lebih besar, singa betinalah yang biasanya akan berburu untuk
mencari mangsa.
Answer Key:
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